For this activity I had to go onto this Gallipolli website which will give me information about the Gallipolli - The Scale of the war. Link to the --->site<---. Then I would have to post 3 things I learned from that site.
1. Women were protesters against the war which they called barbarism they wanted to stop the war that was happening.
2. Some of the soldiers wanted to be on the front lines but didn't get a chance. So they made a plea to fight. They wanted to show their metal (worth of fighting) on the front lines instead of being garrisoned. They said they would sooner die from the bullets of the enemy than die from sickness and disease.
3. The NZ medical corps were made up of surgeons, doctors, stretcher-bearers and orderlies who were all trained to care for the sick and wounded soldiers.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in LS2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Ms Kirkpatrick.
Sunday, 29 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 15 Activity 2
For this task I had to think about being alive 100 years ago and where children left school at the age of 12/13 and went to work. I have to say whether I would be sad or happy to leave school at the age of 12/13. I would be quite upset to leave school and go to work at the age of 12 since that would be a lot of work and usually during those times I would usually be doing manual labor so I guess I would be upset if I had to leave school at the age of 12/13
Summer learning journey week 3 day 15 activity 1
For this activity I walk into a gallery and the first piece of artwork I see is Swinging by Wassily Kandinsky. I am looking at it a staff member comes and asks me what my opinion on the painting is. This activity asks what I think of the painting and if I could buy it and give it to someone who would I give it to.
I would say that is creative, imaginative and it contains lots of different features.
If I could buy this painting and give it to someone I would say Te Paki since he draws more often than most people I know so I would give it to him. I am looking at it a staff member comes and asks me what my opinion on the painting is. This activity asks what I think of the painting and if I could buy it and give it to someone who would I give it to.
I would say that is creative, imaginative and it contains lots of different features.
If I could buy this painting and give it to someone I would say Te Paki since he draws more often than most people I know so I would give it to him.
Saturday, 28 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 14 Bonus
For this task I had to decide whether or not I would want to be prime minister of NZ. Being prime minister is a big responsibility even if you had advantages where others don't like traveling to other countries while paying less. If I was a prime minister I would have lots of busy interviews or other things prime ministers would have to do. I would be really tired and I might have a huge crowd following me recording my life, therefore my answer is no.
Summer learning journey week 3 day 14 activity 2
For this task I had to find 3 facts about Hillary Clinton. These are the 3 facts I have chosen.
1. When she was asked what attracted her to Bill Clinton she said: "He wasn't afraid of me".
2. Some Biographers and observers have suspicions that Hillary and Bill Clinton marriage was and is based on revolutionizing the democratic party and secure the presidency for Bill rather than for love.
3. In one of Hillary's first trails before a jury she represented a canning company that someone had sued claiming to finding the rear end of a rat in a can even though she won teh case she beccame the butt of her husband's jokes for years over what he called her: "rat's ass" case.
Link to the ----->site<-----
1. When she was asked what attracted her to Bill Clinton she said: "He wasn't afraid of me".
2. Some Biographers and observers have suspicions that Hillary and Bill Clinton marriage was and is based on revolutionizing the democratic party and secure the presidency for Bill rather than for love.
3. In one of Hillary's first trails before a jury she represented a canning company that someone had sued claiming to finding the rear end of a rat in a can even though she won teh case she beccame the butt of her husband's jokes for years over what he called her: "rat's ass" case.
Link to the ----->site<-----
Friday, 27 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 14 activity activity 1
What three (3) rules would you make up if you were the prime minister?
Rule 1 every school, college, job, etc. They begin at the same time as other schools, colleges etc and ends at the same time as the other schools, colleges, etc. That means no longer/shorter holidays for some people.
Rule 2 homework must take a week and it has to be at a fair difficulty. Hard homework with less time is probably one of the reasons why there are some students who don't do their homework at all and don't listen to the teachers.
Rule 3 school, college, work, etc. Starts later so there won't be anybody who gets up early and goes to school, college etc, angry and tired they won't be as focused so they will start losing their chances at become successful.
These are the 3 rules I would make if I was the prime minister of NZ
Rule 1 every school, college, job, etc. They begin at the same time as other schools, colleges etc and ends at the same time as the other schools, colleges, etc. That means no longer/shorter holidays for some people.
Rule 2 homework must take a week and it has to be at a fair difficulty. Hard homework with less time is probably one of the reasons why there are some students who don't do their homework at all and don't listen to the teachers.
Rule 3 school, college, work, etc. Starts later so there won't be anybody who gets up early and goes to school, college etc, angry and tired they won't be as focused so they will start losing their chances at become successful.
These are the 3 rules I would make if I was the prime minister of NZ
Thursday, 26 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 12 activity 1
For this activity I had to watch a video from my country (Australia) and provide a review about it. I watched: The Best of the Voice - Australia I like the fact that there are singers from popular songs and people who's song will become one of the next popular ones. I don't really see anything I didn't like about it, I think the only thing I didn't like about it is sometimes I don't understand the song and it becomes a bit boring. This is my rating (****) 4/5 stars 1 star=terrible and 5=amazing.
Tuesday, 24 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 13 Bonus
For this activity I had to watch a trailer about the Beatles The Beatles: 8 Days a Week – The Touring Years. I have to write 2 interesting facts I noticed in there. The 2 things I noticed are: The Beatles have stuck together even in hard times. The 2 thing I noticed is: they were looking for somewhere new to go.
Summer learning journey week 3 day 12 activity 2
For this activity I had to blog about what my favorite TV show currently is. I like 2 shows, The Tonight Show and Monkey Thieves. I like The Tonight Show because it is funny and sometimes they do other things instead of comedy like science. I like Monkey Thieves since it has adventure and they travel around like ninjas. I'm not exactly sure what happened to cartoon shows. Either my TV doesn't have those or they no longer play (I haven't watched TV for 2 years)!
Monday, 23 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 3 day 13 activity 1
For this task I had to listen to 3 of Justin Beiber's songs which are: Sorry , Love Yourself & Baby
I listened to these three songs and I have rated them 1-3(Best-Worst) it was hard to choose between Sorry and Love Yourself, in the end I would say Sorry is better since it has a better a slightly better beat and Baby didn't really have a good tune and beat to it. This is my ranking for these 3 songs.
1. Sorry
2. Love Yourself
3. Baby.
I listened to these three songs and I have rated them 1-3(Best-Worst) it was hard to choose between Sorry and Love Yourself, in the end I would say Sorry is better since it has a better a slightly better beat and Baby didn't really have a good tune and beat to it. This is my ranking for these 3 songs.
1. Sorry
2. Love Yourself
3. Baby.
Sunday, 22 January 2017
Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 10 Bonus
For this activity I have to make a template of my own that shows what I do in a regular school day. It is called: A day in the life of Panmure Bridge School.
A day in the life of a Panmure Bridge School Student
Time Subject
8:55 A.M. Rolecall (the teachers call a list of names to see who is here)
8:55-10:30 A.M. Maths/Reading/Writing depending on which day it is
10:30-11:00 A.M. Morning Tea/Break
11:00-12:30 A.M. Maths/Reading/Writing depending on which day it is
12:30-1:30 A.M.-P.M. Lunch/Break
1:30-3:00 P.M. Inquiry for 2016 we did work about the Human Body.
This is my template on: A day in the life of a Panmure Bridge School/PBS Student.
Saturday, 21 January 2017
Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 10 Activity 2
I have to think about my favorite subject in school and write what it is and why it is my favorite subject. For this activity I choose Math as my favorite subject. It is my favorite subject since I am good at Math so it just makes things easier and I can finish my work faster but aside from that I like Math since it usually involves Maths games and all those type of entertaining things. This is why I like Maths.
Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 10 Activity 1
This activity requires me to view this time table from the diary of a German student I need to compare it with what I usually do in my school.
Day 1
Day 2
8:00 - 8:45 a.m.
8:45 – 9:30 a.m.
9:30 - 9:40 a.m.
9:40 -10:25 a.m.
10:25-11:10 a.m.
11:10-11:30 p.m.
11:30 – 12:15 p.m.
Physical Education
12:15- 1:00 p.m.
I have to say that they do more work than we do in school, they also have less time for breaks but they end earlier by 2 hours. I'm not too sure which one I would prefer since school in New Zealand have less subjects which means less homework to worry about but school ends later. In Germany they try to allow you to become successful students which means a better chance for a successful life. It was a tough choice but in the end I think I would rather prefer an NZ school.
Friday, 20 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 2 day 9 activity 2
This activity wants me to blog about what it would be like to live in the Duggar family (the family of 19 children) I have to write what it would be like to have lots of brothers and sisters in one house.
I would say we would be squashed unless we were in a big house. There are a couple of sinks and toilets a lot of us which would often end up in fights against your siblings. The amount of money put into collage and maybe high school would be a fortune.
The good things I would say is that you won't get lonely, you are able to have more fun playing games like soccer, rugby, basketball, etc since you have more family members.
These are the things I would think a child of the Duggar family would usually go through.
I would say we would be squashed unless we were in a big house. There are a couple of sinks and toilets a lot of us which would often end up in fights against your siblings. The amount of money put into collage and maybe high school would be a fortune.
The good things I would say is that you won't get lonely, you are able to have more fun playing games like soccer, rugby, basketball, etc since you have more family members.
These are the things I would think a child of the Duggar family would usually go through.
Summer learning journey week 2 day 8 activity 1
For this activity I had to either take a picture of myself doing my favorite summer activities or writing about what I love doing in the summer. I chose writing a paragraph about what I like doing in summer.
My favorite things to do in the summer are swimming in the pools and looking into the bright blue sky or just playing games on my computer after the long day of school. Sometimes going somewhere fun a place where I can enjoy the day.
These are my favorite things to do in summer.
My favorite things to do in the summer are swimming in the pools and looking into the bright blue sky or just playing games on my computer after the long day of school. Sometimes going somewhere fun a place where I can enjoy the day.
These are my favorite things to do in summer.
Monday, 16 January 2017
Summer learning journey week 2 day 7 bonus
For this task I had to choose whether or not breakfast is the most important meal of the day or not. Some say yes since people who eat breakfast will have more energy, think more clearly, do better at school and allow you to be healthier than those who don't eat breakfast; others say that breakfast will make you gain more weight and become unhealthy since people eat to much at breakfast.
I have to say that I cannot choose whether or not it is better to have breakfast. I have synthesized by looking at both sides of the subject to try to form a new opinion. I have to say that if you want to be better at schoolwork you will go with the breakfast opinion and if you want to be healthier and better at sports then you should skip breakfast.
My opinion would be going with both since they are each important in different ways but, I would say breakfast is slightly better since it gives you a better chance at becoming successful in life. Skipping breakfast in my opinion is the second priority since it will help you become healthier and better sports. So I would eat breakfast for most of the days and skip it for some.
I have to say that I cannot choose whether or not it is better to have breakfast. I have synthesized by looking at both sides of the subject to try to form a new opinion. I have to say that if you want to be better at schoolwork you will go with the breakfast opinion and if you want to be healthier and better at sports then you should skip breakfast.
My opinion would be going with both since they are each important in different ways but, I would say breakfast is slightly better since it gives you a better chance at becoming successful in life. Skipping breakfast in my opinion is the second priority since it will help you become healthier and better sports. So I would eat breakfast for most of the days and skip it for some.
Monday, 9 January 2017
Summer Learning Journey Week 2 Day 7 activity 1
This activity requires me to compare the picture of common breakfast foods in the country I've chosen with what I typically eat for breakfast here in New Zealand.
In NZ I usually eat some rice pops and sometimes Weetbix. The country I have chosen (Australia) has Vegemite on toast.
I don't know what vegemite tastes like so I have searched it up and I'm sure I probably won't like it since it is a bit bitter it says if you don't like beer you probably won't like it and it's like trying chili sauce for the first time. This is the ---> Link <--- to the site I got it from.
In NZ I usually eat some rice pops and sometimes Weetbix. The country I have chosen (Australia) has Vegemite on toast.
I don't know what vegemite tastes like so I have searched it up and I'm sure I probably won't like it since it is a bit bitter it says if you don't like beer you probably won't like it and it's like trying chili sauce for the first time. This is the ---> Link <--- to the site I got it from.
Summer learning Journey Week 2 Day 6 Bonus
For this activity I had translate these 5 basic travel phrases into either Spanish, German, Malaysian, Japanese, Arabic or Afrikaans. I choose Spanish and these are the translations.
Good morning = Buenos días
Good bye = adiós
How much does this cost? = ¿Cuánto cuesta este?
When is the next bus? = ¿Cuándo pasa el próximo autobús?
Where is the nearest hospital? = ¿Dónde está el hospital más cercano?
Wednesday, 4 January 2017
Summer learning journey Week 2 day 6 activity 1
For this task I had to read some phrases of the country I am going to. I need to write a poem about what I would have been feeling like in a foreign country trying to figure out how to communicate with people in a different language.
I can't speak their language so nobody can talk to me.
If only it was easy, as counting one, two, three.
Learning a new language is quite frustrating.
The amount of time I will take for this training.
Can become extremely long.
In other words I may be gone.
I can't speak their language so nobody can talk to me.
If only it was easy, as counting one, two, three.
Learning a new language is quite frustrating.
The amount of time I will take for this training.
Can become extremely long.
In other words I may be gone.
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