
Friday 31 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher multiplication

Thi is my xtra maths result race the teacher multiplication this was hard so I will keep practising

My xtra maths result

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result because I got two wrong and two I awnserd slowly

My maths whizz result

This is my maths whizz result I am pleased with my result because I didn't get any wrong.

Thursday 30 May 2013

My Drama

last week in our class we did some Drama we worked in groups of two, threes and fours it was about aliens so we pretended to do something with sound's and action well there wasn't supposed to be any action.

News quiz result

This is my news quiz result well part of my news quiz result because it has my result on it.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher mutiplication

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher mutiplication this was hard I'll have to keep on doing this until I get it.

My xtra maths result mutilication

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result because I moved up to mutiplication and I did well on it.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

My Argument: Should we wear a uniform at Panmure Bridge School?

Should we wear a school uniform at PBS?

I think we should wear a school uniform at Panmure Bridge because if you’re in an accident the police can identify you by looking at what uniform you are wearing. My teacher Miss Paton told us a story about when she was at school. A student from her school was cycling to school. The girl had a very bad accident. A bus and a truck ran her over she died immediately. Her school uniform was easily identified by the truck driver, the bus driver and all witnesses around.

When a class goes on a school trip and someone gets lost, the student can find their class by asking a security guard and have him look for a school with the same uniform as the student. If the student wasn’t wearing a school uniform it would be harder for the security guard to find out which school the student came from.

If the school is playing sport against another school and the match was over the students would be able to know where to go because they would be able to identify others by their school uniform. That way their teacher’s won’t get confused in taking the wrong kids that don’t belong to their school if they all dressed the same.

School uniforms last longer than t-shirts and other home clothes because they are made from strong material’s. If we wore mufti T shirts to school they would not last as long.

I feel we should wear a school uniform at Panmure Bridge School. As uniforms are made from very strong materials that will last a long time and shows which school you represent. This is a good idea as it will prevent others from confusing students with the wrong schools and keeping us as equals.  

My xtra maths result subtraction

This is my xtra maths result I am bit pleased with my result that was just like my other result from last time.

Monday 27 May 2013

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result I am pleased that I got it right after 8 guesses

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I have to practise some more at home.

My xtra maths result

This is my xtra maths result I am a bit pleased with my result because I got three wrong and one that was longer than three seconds.

Friday 24 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacer subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I have to practise more of these so I can get nothing wrong like I did before.

My xtra maths result

This is my xtra maths result I must try to be faster and get more right so I can get nothing wrong.

Monday 20 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra mths result race the teacher subtraction I am pleased with my result because I got nothing wrong.

This is my xtra maths result subtraction

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result because I got two wrong I will try to get nothing wrong next time.

My comment to Jasmine

I said Hi jasmine I really like your maths whizz report because the time you were spending was 48 minutes on maths whizz and your improvement was good keep up the good work.

My maths whizz report

This is my maths whizz report I don't know why my improvement was 0.04 I must have been doing a rabbit test which I had to count how many rabbits that voted for their favourite snack.

Friday 17 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I have to work harder so I can be better at this

My xtra maths result

This is my xtra maths result I need to be better at doing this so I want to do this at home.

Thursday 16 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I am improving a bit more so I have to do more at home

My xtra maths result subtraction

This is my xtra maths result I need to improve more by doing more xtra maths

Tuesday 14 May 2013

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result this was easy so that is why I got a star.

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result I am pleased with my result because I came first and beat Oh s'mar's time and Patrick's time.

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result I am pleased with my result because I came 1st this one was a bit harder.

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result I am pleased with my result because I got nothing wrong.

My study ladder result

This is my study ladder result I am pleased with my result because I came first.

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I still need to keep on doing this.

My xtra maths result subtraction

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result because I only got one wrong but need to get more smiley faces.

Past Education

This is my past education chart,reflecting on how schools were in the present. I've learnt that schooling life in the past was a lot different to how things operate today. I feel lucky that I get to go to school in this environment since computers and technology has been invented, it makes school fun.

Should we wear a school uniform at Panmure Bridge school?

Question: Should we wear a school uniform at Panmure Bridge school?

This way teachers from other schools won’t get confused.
Whenever schools go on trips kids won’t get lost.
So people can identify which school you come from.
If someone has an accident witnesses can recognize which school they come from.
Teachers would know if any of them belong to the school.
If a student gets lost on a trip they will be able to identify their class by looking for there school uniform.
If your school is playing sport against another school you can identify your school players by their uniform/ colours they are representing.
Costs a lot of money.
Someone might take it by accident if it has no name.
Dressing in the same clothes will be boring.
Your uniform will get dirty if you're having a race with someone then you slip on the muddy field.
Teachers might mistake students for other students who are not in their class.
Students will easily be recognized.
If there are twins in school and they are wearing different clothes it will be easier to tell them apart.

These are my views about whether we should wear a school uniform to school or not.

Monday 13 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction if I'm doing this day and night I'll be great at it.

My xtra maths result subtraction

This is my xtra maths result I need to be faster at typing the awnsering to the questions so I could get better at subtraction by doing it at home.

Friday 10 May 2013

My xtra maths result race the teacher subtrction

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result because I got fifty right next time I will try to get more right.

My xtra maths result subtraction

This is my subtraction test I got six wrong I need to be better at it.

Thursday 9 May 2013

My xtra math result race the teacher subtraction

This is my xtra maths result in race the teacher subtraction I have to work harder because I only got 36 smiley faces.

My xtra math result

This is my xtra maths result I am pleased with my result but I'll have to be faster next time.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

This is my xtra maths result race the teacher subtraction I must have been so worried so maybe that was why     I got four smiley faces.

My xtra maths result

This is my result on xtra maths I still need more practise on it I wish I had more right.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

This is my xtra maths result on race the teacher subtraction I don't like this score because I only got eleven smilyfaces.

My xtra maths result

This is my xtra maths result I have moved to subtraction I wish that I could get nothing wrong.

1907 Whats in the news?

Ruby Group 2: What’s in the news?
School Journal Part 4, Number 2, 2007

Learning Intention:
I am learning to link prior knowledge and experiences into the texts I read.

1. When and where was the New Zealand International Exhibition?
15th April 1907 held in Hagley park.

2. Why was it held?
To show the world what a great place New Zealand was.

3. Describe the activities held at the park?
The water chute the giant toboggan and the spooky Katzenjammer.

4. Who is Sir Truby King and why is he famous?
Sir Truby King was the founder of the Plunket society.

5. What were other people’s views on Truby King?
They thought his ideas were eccentric. He won the support of many important woman.

6. Who is Ernest Shackleton and what was his achievement?
He is an english explorer  who arrived in New Zealand to explore Antarctica.

7. Describe the Nimrod?
It carries ponies and motor cars.

8. Why were some of the ponies left behind?
Because they aren’t suited to walk on the ice.

9. How was the huia popular and what was it used for?
The huia was popular because it could only be found in New zealand and was extremely rare. The huia tail feathers were worn by chiefs.

10. What do you think happened to the huia?
They slowly died out as they were a rare species.

11. What else has happened within the hundred years from 1907 - 2007?
Sir Edmund Hillary drove to the south pole on a tractor, Peter Hillary skied there communicating via satellite telephone. Thousands donated money to Plunket to help support its work, Agricultural has exhibits around the countryside. The school journal has been around for 100 years.

Reflection on my Silhouette Artwork.

Reflecting on my Silhouette Painting

1. Are you pleased with your Silhouette painting? why / why not?
Yes because the shape and size turned out perfectly.

2. What did you find easy when you created your silhouette painting?
Painting the background.

3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your Silhouette painting? -think about blending of colours, tracing round your animal and painting within your animal.
I found tracing around my animal tricky when creating my painting.  

4. Who / What helped you when you were painting?
Miss Paton helped me because I struggled to stay inside of the lines of my animals outline.

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: blending of colours, animal choice, presentation.
I would trace my animal more slowly so my silhouette would have a sharper outline.

6. What frustrated you when you created your Silhouette painting?
Seeing pencil marks on my painting.

Critiquing someone else's artwork.

Whose artwork do you like the most?

Why did you choose this person’s artwork?
Because her silhouette painting looks the same as a real one.

What would you do next time to ensure your artwork is just as good?
Take my time drawing my animal.

If you were going to give this person a rating out of ten what would you give it and why?
10/10 because she took her time and put lots of effort in to make her painting beautiful.