
Wednesday 22 October 2014

How my team worked this question out

Question: There are 4 people in Sams family the sum of their ages is 73. Sams father is 3 years older than his mother Sams sister is 2 years younger than him. But four years ago the sum of the ages of everyone in Sams family was 58.

Working out: The sum of their age is 58 which was four years ago 4 years ago you take off 16 but 58 is 15 less than 73 not 16 so that means that the youngest child is 3 and since sam is 2 years older he is 5, 5 and 3 make 8 so 73 - 8 = 65. 65 - 3 = 62 62 divided in half is 31 so sams mum is 31 and 31 + 3 = 34 so sams dad is 34

Answer: Sam:5 Sams sister: 3 Sams mom: 31 Sams dad: 34

This is an activity I had to do with my partners Thomas and Troy here are some links to their blogs be sure to check their blogs out.


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